New TCUP Brief: The Roots of Russia's Assault on Ukraine

April 21, 2022
TCUP Brief video screenshot

TCUP Brief video screenshotIn the second TCUP Brief, Emily Channell-Justice looks back at Paul D'Anieri's 2019 publication, Ukraine and Russia: From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War, which traces the development of Ukraine, Russia, and their relationship since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russia's claims of NATO expansion as a security threat, its view of its place as a global power, as well as the divergence of politics in Ukraine and Russia (Ukraine moving toward democracy and the EU; Russia moving to autocracy) began in 1991, sparked the 2014 war, and fueled the full-scale invasion of 2021.

TCUP Briefs are 3-5 minute videos featuring TCUP Director Emily Channell-Justice, who presents several core takeaways from a recent event she attended or paper she read. Each Brief video is accompanied by a full transcript as well as links to the original source, referenced materials, and related resources for those who would like to explore further. TCUP plans to post one to two Briefs weekly as part of its effort to disseminate research and analysis on Russia's war against Ukraine.