Juliette Cadiot

Juliette Cadiot

Juliette Cadiot

She is a post-doctoral fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University. Cadiot received her Ph.D. in 2001 from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France and the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. She has written on nationality issues and policies in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and, on two occasions, presented papers at HURI: "Ethnic Categorization in Censuses and Census Projects in the Russian Empire" (November, 2002), and " Historical Perspectives on the Ukrainian Census: the Imperial and Soviet Legacy" (February, 2003).
As part of her research project at HURI entitled "Social Sciences, Demographic Masses, and the Construction of the Ukrainian Nationality (1897-1932)", she intends to examine how statisticians, especially demographers, as well as sociologists, linguists and ethnographers, constructed the category of Ukrainian/Little Russian (Malorossiiskii) nationality in the period between the end of the nineteenth century to the 1930s. The study, which will form part of a book on the construction of national categories in Russia and the Soviet Union, will focus on the ideas and work of a generation of Ukrainian demographers and ethnographers who were both the top experts in their field as well as nationalists eager to serve a new socialist Ukraine. This connection between new social sciences and the nationalist agenda in all its components, which defined the political community in both ethnic and civic terms, was particularly critical in the case of Ukraine. The study also seeks to elucidate the population's reaction to the efforts of the specialists to instill national consciousness among the Ukrainian masses and promote linguistic unity.

Cadiot's eight-month fellowship at HURI begins in September. Her fellowship is financed by the Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woscob endowment in support of scholars conducting research on issues related to Ukrainian history