Andrii Bovgyria

Andrii Bovgyria

Andrii Bovgyria

Andrii Bovgyria, research associate at the Institute of Ukrainian History, National Academy of Sciences in Kyiv, will spend four months (September–December 2008) at HURI. His research topic, “The Cossack Historical Narratives of Left-Bank Ukraine–Het´manshchyna: the Vision of the Past and the Construction of Identities,” concerns several aspects of the historiographic activity on eighteenth-century Ukraine. By studying copies of well-known period chronicles, manuscript marginalia and historical documents, Bovgyria hopes to reconstruct and shed light on the process of legitimatizing Cossack history: how official ideology was crystallized and how the mythology and pantheon of historical heroes was created. In addition, he will look at how Cossack historiography influenced the development of Ukrainian historical thought and the forming of a national Ukrainian identity.